Friday, August 17, 2012

Why hello my faithful veiwers! I'm very sorry i haven't been posting, I have been on vaction. I have two topics today, my recent contest and the house-a-palooza!

 The Ice Wizard Contest!!!

About an month ago, I said I've opened a contest. For those who don't know, it was a contest to see who had the best Ice Wizard spirit! Sadly, no one has emailed me any results. As of now, i don't believe we will. The deadline was the 25th, but i now cancel my contest.

                                   Happy House-a-palooza to everyone!

            Wizard101 recently announced this month's palooza, the house-a-palzooa to be correct. For the next few days, every piece of housing items are 50% off! Cool huh?. Houses are 50% off, too! We also welcome new housing items! 12 new Avalon housing items!
Heads up to Mooshu addicts, get the Emperor's Attic pack for 50% too! Have fun with decorating! Take pictures with your best decorated places and send them to me please! I'd love to post some of your wonderful work! Till' next time.

The Wizard Weekly Show


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